Sunday, December 31, 2006

art reflects life

"Good-bye," he said to the flower.
     But she did not answer him.
     "Good-bye," he repeated.
     The flower coughed. But not because she had a cold.
     "I've been silly," she told him at last. "I ask your forgiveness. Try to be happy."
     He was surprised there were no reproaches. He stood there, quite bewildered, holding the glass bell in midair. He failed to understand this calm sweetness.
     "Of course I love you," the flower told him. "It was my fault you never knew. It doesn't matter. But you were just as silly as I was. Try to be happy... Put that glass thing down. I don't want it anymore."
     "But the wind..."
     "My cold isn't that bad... The night air will do me good. I'm a flower."
     "But the animals..."
     "I need to put up with two or three caterpillars if I want to get to know the butterflies. Apparently they're very beautiful. Otherwise who will visit me? You'll be far away. As for the big animals, I'm not afraid of them. I have my own claws." And she naively showed her four thorns. Then she added, "Don't hang around like this; it's irritating. You made up your mind to leave. Now go."
     For she didn't want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower....

Sunday, December 24, 2006

So this is Christmas

Not a lot to say these days. I spend most of my time at home, so I have no idea what the word is around town. Because of that, all I've got are some random things...

This is the first Christmas I have not been in Cincinnati. And it sucks a lot. It's really gotten me down, even knowing that once I got there the family would all drive me nuts. But I've never missed a Christmas Eve at my grandma's, and I haven't missed a Christmas Day at old friends the Stocks' residence since 1989. It's not like I do (or even have ever done) any of the religious stuff that goes along with Christmas, or even still get any presents, but sitting at the house alone is a bit of a let down. It's just always been a get-together holiday to hang out and drink cocktails/wine and eat food and hear stories about everyone old and new. And since everyone is in Ohio, it's also been to catch up. I do wish I had at least gotten a little tree. I love to turn off all the lights and only have the tree lit up. It's such a warm glow... causes a warm glow inside too.

Tonight I will be going to the top deck of the College Ave parking deck. At midnight. To absorb the quiet and see how pretty Athens can be when it's peaceful. I just hope they haven't decided to lock the stairwell doors. Not sure where I'll end up if I can't get up there, probably just find somewhere else to sit for a bit. Join me if you'd like. All are invited. I was going to go it alone, but then thought it might be nice to get all the other loners still in town together and make our own family gathering. And without my own tree, the twinkling lights on Clayton Street's trees will have to do.

Today I sat outside of the Cobb House on Pope Street and read for a while. Some random neighborhood cat was hanging around, an orange tabby whose tag says his name is 'PJ'. I'm just chilling there outside, reading away and PJ comes right up and curls up in my lap. I really am the crazy cat lady. I can go somewhere else, not at home, or anyone's home, sit outside, and still end up with a cat in my lap. Then on the way home, I had to call in a report to the police because the fire alarm at the Leathers Building on Pulaski was going off, strobe lights and all, but no one was around. And there was no fire. Hopefully everything there was fine.

It appears that the 666 House is no more. As of last weekend, the house is vacant, and now it's all boarded up.
I was going to do a whole post sharing some of the more entertaining messages I've gotten from random MySpacers, but I found that I deleted most of them. But I have a few still, that just make me laugh. Mostly because my profile says I'm "Here For: Friends" and also because I just can't imagine sending someone I don't know messages like these...

 ----u r a doll baby please hit me back up
              From 'Joshua', March 18 2005

----hey i was wondering if u would be interested in being my princess ? cause baby u r absolutley gorgeous and id love to chat with u so hit me up asap thanks alot josh
           From  'Joshua', Dec 21 2006.

Yes. The SAME Joshua. A year and a half apart. I'm not saying that it's not cool to have people think you're attractive, it's just the delivery is not really my style. And I wonder what he found interesting in my profile other than my photo because by looking at his profile I see we have absolutely nothing in common. Interests are any kind of racing and football. He likes any kind of music except hard rock and classical. For books, it says "I hate reading", and his hero is Dale Earnhardt. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but what would we chat about?

----Hello there. I came across you profile and was very impressed. I would love to chat with you and get to know you better. It is funny cause I am actually in Atl right now for a bodybuilding show this weekend. I was hoping to meet someone that could show us (my friend and I) around. I understand there is alot to do in ATL and I guess we are trying to find I dont want to make this sound forward or anything but I would really love to give you my cell number and if meetiing new people is something that interests you then please give me a call. I am here until monday morning.. I would love to hear from you.

Eric 703-489-xxxx
    From 'Eric' Nov 18 2005

This one's not too bad (at least he uses the word 'you'), but then I thought about it, and first of all I'm not in Atlanta so it hardly applies to me, but also it sounds sort of like he's looking for an escort. I'm not one. Upon looking at his profile (full of photos of him flexing in a speedo) he also does seem to be a nice enough guy and probably harmless. And efficient for providing a cell number. But regardless, what girl would in their right mind go gallavanting around Atlanta with two bodybuilders she doesn't know? That she met on MySpace? Bad Idea Jeans.

----You are gorgeous, wanna hang out at Allgood and do purple shots,sometime?
               From 'Shane' Dec 21 2006

   Only if they don't contain rufies... This guy is 35. Once again, probably a really nice guy, but once again no common interests at all. Under 'About Me" there is a short video clip of Lil' Jon saying 'hhhh What?'. No books. Likes racing and watching NASCAR and WWE wrestling. One hero is Ronald Reagan and one person he'd like to meet is G.W. Bush. Also, all of his top 16 friends are women. 

Those are the best ones I have left. I'm not worried about them reading this and getting offended because only people on my friends list can read my blogs, and they aren't on my list. But if you know them, don't be running off and telling them I shared their messages. I'm sure they are all fine upstanding gentlemen.

That is all for now. And for probably a while, unless something earth-shattering happens. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Cheers.