Monday, October 13, 2008

A one-minute blog.

I have no time anymore. So this is a quick one.

Since starting my job(s) two weeks ago, I haven't had a day off yet. My first day off will come on Thursday, after 17 straight days. While these are both part-time jobs, they still eat up my life. And last week they were hardly "part-time" since between the two I worked a total of 59 hours.

I don't mind Dial America all that much, but the shifts can drag and drag there. I love the Humane Society job, even though 80% of the job is cleaning cat cages. It's laid back, and the most people that are ever there at a time is 6. Though I've only worked there for a week, and was told that they wouldn't turn me loose on my own as the only tech for a couple weeks so I could get everything down, I was by myself on Saturday. Most everything went fine, the only scheduled intake for the day didn't show up, and I got everything finished on time.

One thing was that I did have to assist in my first euthanasia, which was a little rough. I'd watched the others do a euthanasia on Friday, but that was a different circumstance- an adult cat with a long-time history of aggression (and one that was showing said aggression at the time) and no chance of it ever being properly socialized. The one I had to assist with was a sweet little 7-week old kitten. He was just too small, and the shelter is just too full. Also, he had come in with severe eye infection and though with the little treatment we can do he had improved tremendously (as in now he could actually open his eyes...) he was most likely fairly blind. He could see, but just how much wasn't really apparent and his eyes were very clouded. I held him the whole time, and had to try really hard to not get teary-eyed. That's one drawback of this job- when that decision is inevitable.

Other than that, things are good. I'm just tired now all the time. And my house is a disaster. I can't wait until Thursday! For now, off to class, then to work.