Sunday, December 21, 2008

My Christmas Wishlist

Here is proof that I am still alive. Though it's not like anyone has really worried about that at all... anyway. For lack of time, patience, and home internet access, here is a list of things I'd like for Christmas, or my birthday, or for whatever. This list is not all-inclusive, it is just the things I'm thinking of at this moment.

in no particular order

1. A Roomba robotic vacuum thing.

2. Money. Or in place of this:

3. For CitiBank to say, "Dude, hey, you know what? Don't worry about it, really. Nah, brah. We're straight... yeah man. We're even".

4. My steering to quit leaking all over the place.

5. Shelves/a bookcase/storage bins/etc. I need somewhere to put all my school books that are currently stacked on the floor and table. I need somewhere to put all my VHS tapes (shit yeah) and DVDs that are currently stacked in a makeshift 'media shelf' I made with cardboard boxes which are starting to collapse. I need some bins to store my craploads of cat food so I can not leave the bag sitting on the floor. I need something to act as a pantry so I can use the bookshelf I'm currently stacking the non-perishables on.

6. A ride to the airport on Tuesday.

7. Internet access at home.

8. A haircut.