Thursday, April 16, 2009

Must I limit myself to one? Here are three.

I've been in the new house in Bishop for almost two weeks. So far it's awesome, except I'm still not used to being more than five minutes from downtown Athens. One of the first visitors we had to the house was a 3.5 ft long copperhead snake. He decided to chill in the basement until we shooed him out the sliding glass door with a pole. I'm quickly falling in love with the 5 rabbits, 4 chickens, 3 dogs, and one cat (I'm not including my own) that are on the property so far. Goats are yet to make the move, though they should be there soon. I now want my own goat or two, and a horse. Though I have very little horse experience, I did really like working with them in labs for school even if they freaked me out a bit with their size, and I'd like to do it more.

I still need a job. The market right now is complete crap. The only thing saving me is that my new house is pretty much half what I was paying in living expenses before (even though I loved my house), and that I was actually laid off, which means I am entitled to unemployment insurance for a bit. Though that pays less than 50% what my average pay was before I was laid off... still, it's better than zero.

One thing that irritates the hell out of me, and I meant to write this in a previous blog that included all sorts of shit that annoys me, is cars that have headlights that automatically turn off. Well, the fact that the headlights turn off all by themselves is not what makes me want to throw things or stab things with forks, but the fact that people who own these cars are the laziest motherfuckers on earth. They always get out of their cars, leave the lights on, and walk away. For real?? Just turn the goddamn lights off. It's a flick of a switch. "Oh, they turn off on their own", they say. "And??" is what I say. Are you so frickin' in a hurry that you can't be bothered to take the 0.034 seconds it takes to rotate that handle 38 degrees counterclockwise? Douchebag. That feature is there to save your ass for those times you forget. Man, I can't wait for when they all come out one night and they can't get anything to work because they relied on their (brainless) car to turn their shit off for them. They forgot that automatic things will fail, and they relied on it to save the day. But no, their battery's dead because that crap finally malfunctioned like all automated things eventually do and then the lights stayed on and then the battery died and now they aren't going anywhere. And then they gotta call their buddy to come pick them up from Happy Spa ('cause they're not gonna ask a stranger for a jump in front of Happy Spa, of all places...), and then face years of flak for getting a 'body shampoo' that one time. Hell, that incident will probably be mentioned in the Best Man's toast at his wedding, for god's sake, and there will be all sorts of jokes about happy endings. See, it's not worth it. Just turn off your lights and save your reputation.