Sunday, September 19, 2010

hey....i've had the biggest crush on you for awhile! i don't go on here a lot. but please message me on under the username "wishfulthinker". please don't get all weird. =)

Hmmm.... smells a little spammy, don't you think?

That website leads to some Christian dating website. Yeah. No Christians to be found on this blog. Sorry to disappoint.

Ask me anything

Writer's Block.

 I started this post a week ago. Then forgot about it. Let's finish it, and see what happens...

Seems lately that's what I have. Shit. Not like I generally write anything profound or intensely creative. Usually just bitching and random thoughts. Apparently I haven't even had any of those for the past month-and-a-half. So here I am, writing a post out of necessity.

Oh, ha! Did I say 'necessity'??? None of you need this blog. I thought I did, but evidence is pointing in the opposite direction. Somehow I've become too preoccupied for bitching and moaning and making fun of things. WTF, yo? What is happening to me? There have been no life-changing events; no sudden fairy-tale love or lottery winnings. Just sheer laziness. So you get what follows! Aren't you excited?

A couple weeks ago I was driving on the loop. And I passed a severed deer head. Yeah. What the hell? It wasn't like the head had just gotten whacked loose from a body being nailed by a Ford F-150. It hadn't become maggot feed yet. The skin was almost perfectly intact, and the neck was cleanly cut. This was an actual severed deer head. As in purposefully severed. Someone physically cut the head off a deer, and tossed it onto the side of the loop. What? Really?

It's getting close to Halloween. Well, sort of. In Retail-Land, 'getting close' means the two months (or more)  prior to any holiday. We've had Halloween stuff since Labor Day. Christmas starts showing up next week. Deck The Halls, dude. At work the other day, I had a sudden memory. We have these really obnoxious motion-activated full-size Halloween characters. There is a witch whose eyes blink red and she moves around and says "Welcome to my Hooooommme!' and something else I can't understand. I want to punch it every day. The only fun thing about it is that it has a wireless microphone, and can be set to act as the amplifier- you can hide somewhere and talk through it. And scare the shit out of customers. There is also a 6'5" skeleton dressed in a black frock that laughs or something- I tend to ignore them as best I can. Last year I was working at the return desk one day, and they had the skeleton guy outside on display. I guess the wind kicked up a bit, and it fell over, face down. This woman came running in all frantic telling me to call 911 because there was someone passed out in front of the store!! So I go out there and she's freaking and saying 'He's not moving!", and it's that damn skeleton thing. How the hell she thought it was a real person is beyond me. Either way, I got a good laugh out of it.

When I started this post last week there was something really fun and I'm sure full of smartassery and wit that  I was going to write. Of course I got here and totally forgot. And I have yet to remember...

In current news (actually current, not from the previous draft I'd saved of this posting), I got a part-time job. So I will be cutting my hours back to part time at the Big Box. It came at the perfect time, because I was reaching a point where I was quite possibly going to just lose it one day and storm out in some sort of blaze of glory or embarrassment. So I've averted that crisis. I'm excited about the new place; I think I'll be much happier and fit in better. If only it were full-time!

Gah!! Where did all my little ideas go?? Poopy.