Friday, April 22, 2011

Let's Get Technological...

I am posting this from a mobile phone. Insane! While not the fastest way to do this, I'm still pretty enthralled. So much stuff to do on this thing. No wonder no one talks to each other anymore.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

In The Year Two-Thousaaaanndd!!!

I am joining the 'smart'phone army. 

I recently developed the fancy-phone crush by seeing everyone I know have these nifty little handheld boxes that do more neat (albeit mostly unneeded) shit than my computer, along with a necessity- yes, an excruciating NEED to play interactive Scrabble-type games with everyone I know. Oh, high-resolution touchscreen... how sexy you are! That perfect complexion; no pimple-like buttons on your face to impede my fingers from running smoothly from your earpiece to your microphone. Your 8MP eye allows me to see the world at its most beautiful. And that lithe figure! So slim, so lightweight: no, I could resist no more. Pair all that with the fact that my current phone-relationship was failing more and more each day. Mr. Motorola takes nice pictures, but has developed an electronic version of narcolepsy. I drop it, it reboots. I set it on a table, it reboots. I unlock the keys, it reboots. I am halfway through a text message, it reboots. I plug it in to the charger, it reboots. I take it out of my pocket, it reboots. I look at it, it reboots. I breathe two rooms away, it reboots. Yeah- it's just not going to work out between us anymore. No matter what I do, you fall apart on me. 

But get this! Not only am I getting my first neat-o electronic gadget (other than a computer), but I've gone all TechnoNerd and PRE-ORDERED one. Yes. I have purchased something that doesn't come out for another three days. What has come over me?? No, it's not an iPhone. I know lots of people will be telling me that that is the end-all-be-all in cellular universe-controllers and what am I thinking OMG I'm just not cool enough and what will you do when the merger goes through??? But those things are more expensive than I was willing to shell out, and I would have had to change my carrier to a more expensive one. So I did the Android thing. 

This thing is going to take me a month to figure out.