Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This Little Piggy Went To Market

Ewww, Facebook. Seriously??

You really do have me all wrong.

P.S. If you do a Google search for "This Little Piggy" (hey now, it's been a while; I wanted to be sure I was right), you will find a fairly detailed Wikipedia page. Someone had too much time on their, uh... feet...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just realized it's a month past my half-birthday.

Today is Sunday. I really wish it were Saturday instead; I feel as if I missed this whole weekend. Felt crappy on Friday, and missed the day. Felt somewhat better on Saturday, but slept late and spent my few free hours watching episodes of "Rome". Then worked the tour. And kinda worked a coworker's wedding/reception at the brewery. It was only supposed to be the reception, but their ceremony got rained out so they did it there. Super-cute. Then left from that early to play a show at 40 Watt. Too many PBRs. So today was wasted in recovery mode.

Joe is not better. Not really worse, but no improvement. He's losing weight, and I'm now having to syringe feed him since he stopped eating. He hates it, but is tolerant as usual. He sometimes will act really interested in something I have; I will give him a piece and he'll lick at it, but won't actually eat it. I need to take him in for some fluids since he won't drink that much either. He did develop a lot of nasal discharge, and on recheck it was thought that it could be viral in nature. But my other two cats are fine. He's not snotty anymore really, just a little from one side, but is still really snorty. I am guessing he's lost between 2-3 pounds. My scale isn't that accurate. The poor guy. I think it's time I tried something else. I was hoping it was just a weird little illness that would clear up with some time and antibiotics, but signs are now pointing elsewhere. I've never been able to feel his spine the way I can now. He's still cuddly. Curls up with me every night like always. It's hard for me to imagine that there is a chance I won't get that much longer.

I may be vehicular again soon. My neighbor is getting a car for his birthday, so he's going to let me have his for pretty cheap. And he's going to let my pay in installments. Which is awesome. Not a cool car, for sure. But it's got tires and an engine that runs most of the time...

More later. Been reading a lot, and honestly this laptop is making my lap hot. Since it is in fact sitting on my lap. I think I will have some ice cream. Or some root beer. I should drink water... but bah.