Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Athens, GA 'Missed Connections'; 3/28/12

A Connection Not Missed...

But one that will be missed from now on. 

"That's life", the saying goes, and in my head I'm still believing the romantic idea of 'a lifetime'. I have once again failed at fulfilling my end of the bargain, of keeping promises I made to myself to keep these connections active. "I'll call her next week", I think. Then Life does what it does, which ultimately means ending. Not mine, but theirs. So I sit here and contemplate, and yes, regret, my lack of reaching out. Of simply being present. Of simply making a presence known. I keep taking our relative youth for granted. But youth, or vibrancy, or a lovely soul does not stop Life from happening. And does not stop Death from ending it. When will I learn? And when will I keep my promise? 

Whether or not you think you've missed a connection, keep the ones you have going. And do know that even when your phone doesn't ring, there is always someone out there who loves you and thinks of you. I only hope those I'm connected with know this.
May you rest well, lady, and be forever surrounded by the same light you brought to so many.