Sunday, April 8, 2012

It's April!

I'm not entirely sure why I felt the need to exclaim the arrival of April; afterall, I'm a whole week late! I didn't write anything last week since I'm not one for April Fools pranks (unless it's just a really epic prank), and well, since it seems everyone wants to jump on the "Ha Gotcha!" bandwagon, I pretty much don't believe a word I hear/see on April 1. Also, writing a blog probably isn't the best use of my time at work. Honestly it's probably not the best use of my time anywhere.

Anyway. I had some crap I wanted to say but I can't remember what it is now, natch. So I guess thisun'l be nothing but some ramblings.

I'm a shitty gardener. Really just terrible! I have some dirt patches, two of which are all weeded up. I have some seeds. And I haven't done a damn thing. I'm probably just going to plant whatever and see what happens. I figure if all that other shit can grow so well, then why not something I might eat? Also, why can't you just plant that stuff right into your yard? Wouldn't grass act as a natural mulch of sorts? It's obvious I'm just trying to justify my extreme laziness, but come on... A billion weeds and such can't be wrong, right?

I got a new gig down at Terrapin. About three weeks ago, I moved up to what the bossman now calls "The Penthouse". It's really just upstairs. All the way up to the second floor! I think I'm gonna make a sign for us and make it official. They opened a new spot in the marketing department, came to me and said "You wanna?" and I said "Hell yeah!". So there we go. So I've now been a member in accounting and marketing departments at a beer factory. Two departments within an industry I had no background in, and never thought I'd be doing as a job. My 'office' only has three walls, as it was originally a reception area, but all three of those walls are covered in wood paneling. Sa-waynk-eee!! I told them I needed a moose head, maybe some macrame hangings. And a hanging fern. Moose head got nixed in favor of a jackalope. I so need a jackalope.

I am embarrassed for the city I live in when I read the online comments left after most stories in the Athens-Banner Herald. Not just because their views are generally polar opposites of mine, but also in the general delivery. There is no discussion on this 'discussion board'. Everyone just yells a lot. They state their opinions (most often very narrow-minded ones), and when some states their differing opinion a full-on attack ensues. Unless you agree with the majority, you are WRONG. Most are extremely conservative right-wingers who thinly veil their bigotry and racism under so-called patriotism, general concern for the neighborhood, and their undying Christianity. In reality they hate/are threatened by any person who is kinda brown, kinda townie, kinda poor, doesn't openly proclaim a love of Jesus, or says that they're ok with people fitting the previous descriptions. So for someone like me to try and express my view, well, the best analogy I've come up with for that is that it's like screaming into a vacuum. There's a report of a shoplifter who was caught by police in the parking lot... "Insert Baggy Pants THEM comment here". A story about how recent law changes regarding undocumented children attending college has affected teachers (most of these kids have lived here their whole lives)... "Blah blah CRIMINALS blah SHIP THEM ALL HOME blah MY TAX DOLLARS etc.". Anything about welfare or social programs... "BLEEDING HEART LIBERALS blah STUPID blah PROPAGANDA blah blah BUT DON'T YOU TOUCH MY SOCIAL SECURITY OR MEDICARE MINE MINE MINE". And then a story about a guy getting jumped at 3:00AM while looking for a friend on a street that has an apartment complex inhabited by minorities on it... "Nothing good happens after midnight." "It's his own fault for being there and out so late." "I bet he deserved it. Probably a drug deal gone wrong. Criminals, all of them."... A kid dies... "Bless that child she's with Jesus now!" "Has anyone looked into why the mother wasn't home at the time? Why did she have her boyfriend watching her kid?"... Gay rights... "Bible bible bible sin sin sin burning in hell" "IT'S GODS WORD" (someone says they don't believe in god) "You're just ignorant. GOD is TRUTH. Hope someone is praying for your wretched soul!" ... And I won't even touch the Walmart thing. Ugh. It's pretty disgusting. Hell, most of them aren't even residents of the county the ABH represents. I think it should be included in each poster's profile, the county they live in. You wanna call me names for saying I don't really want a huge development that includes a  Walmart a few blocks from my house? Oh? You live in Madison County? Go fuck yourself, your argument is invalid.

Anyway. That rant is done. I think I should do something productive now. Maybe. Or not.