Sunday, June 3, 2012

Haters Gonna Hate

And creepers gonna creep. By FSM, are they gonna creep.

There's a fine line between adoration and obsession. That line has been sufficiently obliterated, and this is not only by my own observations, but by the witness of others as well (though much of the publicly visible evidence posted to my Facebook wall was recently deleted... in an effort to not look so obsessed, I guess? Who knows what the thought process involved in all this is. I'm not pretending to have any answers).

My lack of interest should have been apparent from the start as I have avoided doing or saying anything that could be misconstrued as desire for anything more than simple platonic acquaintance (since, like, December). However, it's reached a point where the best thing is probably minimal-to-no response, as the only other option is a (unnecessary from my standpoint) lengthy explanation of sorts.

But you know what? I don't have to, and will not, explain myself to anyone.