Sunday, July 29, 2012

More Or Less

Yep, I'm living... more or less. There are things I need less of and things I want more of and vice versa. I go through these phases where everything feels likes it has come to a halt; I'm stagnant right now. Which makes me unhappy. And then I do nothing to recharge right away, and end up sliding into a full-out self-reflective depression. No good, right? The hardest part is getting things moving again. An object at rest seems impossible to budge... but there is no other choice. No other real choice, anyway. Otherwise, all that's left is throwing in the towel, adopting some more cats, and living out the rest of my life becoming one with my couch. Literally. What do you, or in this particular case I, need to really be fulfilled, more or less?

More making, less buying.
More outside, less inside.
More books, less computer/TV.
More sit-and-reflect, less go-Go-GO!
More meaningful relationships, less superficial niceties.
More alone, less lonely.
More lovely company, less alone.
More reaching out to people I feel a connection with, less worrying that they don't care as much about me.
More kitty cuddling on the couch, less searching for something else to do.
More confident honesty, less vague insecurity.
More activity, less sedentary.
More home, less elsewhere.
More hugs, less handshakes.
More accepting, less judging.
More board games, less video games.
More thought, less act.
More traveling, less good-enough-here.
More "I will", less "I wish".
More observing, less obliviousness.
More listening, less talking.
More sleep, less late nights.
More conversation, less frustration.

More love, no hate.