Sunday, February 1, 2015

A list of things

Here is a by-no-means-definitive list of things that I'm convinced all other 34-year-olds have had at least once that have as yet evaded me:

- A mortgage
- A police record
- A moving violation. I did get a parking ticket once, though.
- On that note, a working vehicle
- A relationship with a degree of permanency
- A vehicle made within 15 years of my current age (owned but not currenty running)
- A salary higher than 30K/year
- A dog
- A perpetually clean house
- Motivation to clean said house
- A passport
- A visit to the West Coast
- A visit to somewhere Caribbean
- A visit outside the US
- A basic idea of what the hell I want to be when I grow up
- A plan for that thing above I don't know
- A desire to go to bed before 11 pm
- A membership to the gym/YMCA/community center
- A kid
- A love of salads
- Getting to that "morning person" stage of life
- Needing breakfast and/or coffee before doing anything else
- That "got my shit together" feeling
- A lack of freedom because of spouse/kids/whatever
- Super-crazy unmanagable debt
- Getting ahead
- A Blu-ray player
- A pregnancy scare
- Having only a few endings left to choose in my personal "Choose Your Own Adventure" book...

I ain't got much. But it's all open-ended from here.