Wednesday, May 31, 2006

impulsive decisions often come too late

As much as it seems that Athens is done with me, I think I might be just as done with Athens. Unfortunately, three weeks is not enough time to plan a proper escape.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Right now I am an exhausted ball of stress. And I have no idea why. I haven't slept a full night without waking up every hour or so in over three weeks, and it's starting to catch up with me. I hurt. My joints ache, my muscles are tense and sore, and my nerves are frayed. The slightest little thing can either set me off, or dump me into a mood of complete apathy. Walking is a chore. Riding my bike is even harder. I have started clenching my jaw or grinding my teeth while sleeping (again... this happened a few months ago for a bit, but subsided). I have lately caught myself doing this while awake too. It gives me headaches. I have no energy. I have no patience. I don't give a shit about anything, yet everything means too much. I have nothing to say. I am not hungry, and have been lucky to eat one full meal a day. This is starting to suck hardcore. What in the hell is wrong with me?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A quandary...

I really want some ice cream. I finished what I had last night though. And I am currently too lazy to ride my bike or walk my ass to the Panty to get some more. What's a girl to do?

I think I'll just have a beer instead.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Brain Spewage

Not a lot to say right now. Things are not bad, not good, just there. Work; meh. Social; meh. The Weather; meh. You Name It; meh. So this will probably be a bunch of random shit. Whatever pops into my brain will flow straight to my fingertips and onto this screen. Lucky you.

I need books to read! I keep buying them. Then I finish them way too fast. Give me books. Or just recommend one.

I have been eating nothing but garbage for 3 days. Not literal garbage, because I'm not a goat. Just unhealthy stuff. Like Wendy's. And when I say unheathy, you know it must be bad. Since I already eat like a 9-year-old anyway. At least I have not had more than one night this week where 'dinner' consisted of a handful of jellybeans washed down with a beer. That happened a couple weeks ago...

Some weirdo has been hanging out outside of ERC lately. Maybe for the past week. He's always wearing a red shirt, and often has a Starbucks (?!) cup, if he's got any sort of beverage at all. He sits there and talks to himself. And grins at nothing. And stares vacantly at passers-by. And I swear, he farts. A LOT. The other day, I do believe I heard him totally rip ass at a table outside. I mean, that is not a sound that you can really mistake for something else. And he immediately started grinning and laughing and then got up from the table and went inside. Today he was there again, at the first outside table. I was at the third. My friend Brett was at the middle table. I kept getting these odors wafted my way that were very fart-like. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Brett. It happened many times, and the whole time that guy just grinned away, at nothing. So not only is he creepy, he's stinky too. At least he can never sneak up on me.

That reminded me that my family (on my dad's side) calls a fart a "Boompsie". I'm not really sure of the actual spelling of this word, but this is a dead-on phonetic spelling. The word can be used as both noun and verb. As in "Oops, I did a Boompsie." or "Hey, gross! Did you Boompsie?" or "UGH!!! Dad Boompsied again!!" (usually followed by his response of  "I did not! That was the dog.").

I'm getting a haircut tomorrow! I love haircuts. It's the fastest and least committed physical change you can do (other than makeup). I'm also changing the color. The blue is so five-minutes-ago. I'm wavering between a few color choices, but wouldn't mind some suggestions. I'm also wavering on brightness, because I don't know that I have the balls to rock any super-bright (Iguana Green? It's pretty, but bold) colors. And I will not be doing my whole head, just chunks sort of like what I've had. Whaddya think?

I think I'm going to eat some ice cream soon. And read a book. Then I should go to bed since I have to be up early tomorrow for work (meh).

My mother is coming to town on Saturday. It'll the the first time I've seen her since early December, and hopefully she will be bringing some Christmas presents with her. It's quite common that I get whatever presents I may receive for Christmas sometime in May or June. There is also some going out planned for Saturday night. So if you wanna come out and have a drink and meet my mom (she's pretty cool, you wouldn't think she was a mom) let me know. I'm sure we'll be making the rounds downtown. She's bringing a neighbor friend of hers that I've never met, she says this woman's quite the partier. I hope I don't let them down, with my lately-homebody ways. I'm not the hanger-outer I once was.

I used to have a bad habit of coming home all trashed and trying to eat something before going to sleep. Only I was conviced that I could take whatever I was eating to bed with me and I would finish it before I fell asleep. And many times, this did not happen. I would wake up the next morning with a few Cheddar Cheese In Pretzel Combos scattered around me, or I would find half of a piece of bread and a small piece of cheese. (I guess the cats took care of the ham and other piece of bread...) Which is kind of gross, really. To wake up and find these things. And then have to think about where they may have come from. Well, the thing that broke this habit for me was the time I took a handful of candycorn (yes, Halloween candy, candycorn. But it was the kind with the brown bottom layer and not the yellow bottom layer) to bed with me. And of course didn't finish it. I woke up the next morning with a slight headache and what felt like a big bruise on one side of my head covering my scalp and ear. I put my hand up and felt this thing in my hair and completely freaked out. Ran into the bathroom to look at it... and realized what it was. It was the handful of candycorn that had come out of my then-asleep hand and found its way to my head. Where it melted into a big old brown gooey chunk, completely embedded in my hair, very similar to the way gum does this. It took 20 minutes to get it all out in the shower. Man, I'm awesome.

The fortune I got from my cookie at the T-Stand Monday night stated "Accept the next proposition you hear".

I'll end the brainal leakage here... if given time, I know I could come up with more, but there are other days to bore the pants off of you... ta-ta.