Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Right now I am an exhausted ball of stress. And I have no idea why. I haven't slept a full night without waking up every hour or so in over three weeks, and it's starting to catch up with me. I hurt. My joints ache, my muscles are tense and sore, and my nerves are frayed. The slightest little thing can either set me off, or dump me into a mood of complete apathy. Walking is a chore. Riding my bike is even harder. I have started clenching my jaw or grinding my teeth while sleeping (again... this happened a few months ago for a bit, but subsided). I have lately caught myself doing this while awake too. It gives me headaches. I have no energy. I have no patience. I don't give a shit about anything, yet everything means too much. I have nothing to say. I am not hungry, and have been lucky to eat one full meal a day. This is starting to suck hardcore. What in the hell is wrong with me?

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