Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Writer's Block

Well, not that I've ever fancied myself any sort of writer. As a matter of fact, I usually only write things when I'm required to do so by some outside force. I'll get to that in a minute. I'm not creative. Or insightful. I blather along, spewing out in readable form the mental diarrhea that occurs every few days. The only reason people read these blogs (not just mine, but blogs in general. At least blogs in general like mine...) is because humans are voyeuristic creatures, and the online/public journal allows them to 'peek in the windows' in a way. Without being labeled a creep, since the invitation to peek is openly extended and the action encouraged. Instead of being a Peeping Tom, you're simply an Audience Member. I am just as 'guilty' (that word doesn't really fit since there can't be guilt involved in an activity that isn't wrong) as the next guy of this type of voyeurism. I enjoy reading even the most mundane of blogs, even those belonging to people I don't know. I can spend hours looking at other peoples' online photo albums. If someone were to invite me into their house just to have a look around, I might take them up on the offer (unless they seemed like the type to toss me down the basement stairs, etc. etc. etc... I try to stay away from those people).

But, my point here is that the online/public journal, blog, whatever, is a SPECTACULAR form of procrastination. I can put off so many things I need to be getting done by either reading or writing these things. And that is what I am doing right now. And now. Yup, still doing it.

The outside force causing me to write something (not this blog, procrastination has caused me to write this, the devil) is Athens Technical College. More specifically, my chosen program of study is responsible. They have two rounds of admissions, and for the second round, I'm required to write a 500 word personal statement detailing my understanding of the job I may have in the future, my previous experience in this field, and why it is I've decided to study this and take this career path. It's a bullshit essay. And it's been so long since I've written something like this, I can't figure out how to start. I need to mail it off to them on Thursday, though, so I guess I better get on it. Blech. Wish me luck.  

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