Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm so glad I'm not a yeast...

Because if I were, this would probably mean I was having babies. 

Sooo... I'm sure this falls into the "you didn't need to know that" or "TMI" category, but I've had this, well, thing in my right armpit for a little over a month now. It's a cyst-like growth that started out as a little bump. It got a little irritated for a bit from getting chafed by my shirt sleeves, but didn't really ever do much else. I figured it was some sort of hair follicle irritation/zit-like whatever that would run its course and go away. But it didn't.

It's not in the very depth of my pit or anything. It's actually just under the arm, before you even get to the armpit hair, in the little crease at the edge of the superficial pectoral muscle. Right where there are a bunch of lymph nodes.

Either way, whatever it is finally gained conscious thought or something and started growing. Just a little, for a while (which is why I figured it would do its thing and then pop like a zit). However, by this past Monday it had gotten to about the size of a nickel. Still not huge, but it now had a seperate red bump on top of it (from shirt irritation, I'm still guessing). It was painful if poked. I started thinking I needed to get it looked at.
As of this writing, this shit is nearing half-dollar size, and it's showing no signs of slowing down. The red 'hat' is now an angry, angry red and is an inch long, 1/2 inch tall oval. The whole area has a constant throbbing ache, and in a 5 inch radius all around the lump even the skin is super sensitive to a slight touch. If I do push on the lump, it doesn't give like it's filled with liquid. The entire thing moves. My clavicle feels like it's getting pushed up, and it hurts to move my arm. It's like there's a small animal burrowed into my axillary region. Yeah. It just fucking hurts. I actually had trouble sleeping last night because of it.

So in the spirit of enjoying the company of my right arm while simultaneously turning my back on major systemic infection, I will be going to show it to someone other than a classmate tomorrow (even though I have a classmate who offered to aspirate it for me...). And, I will show this growth in a mature adult 'please give me your professional advice on the best course of action to alleviate this' way, and not in the immature goofball  'holy shit look at this, what the fuck is it? check out what happens when I poke it, I should let it grow and join a freak show' way.

And if you're lucky, maybe I'll post some pictures. People love looking at crap like this...

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