Sunday, January 31, 2010


I Like:
  • Elderly interracial/gay/lesbian couples. Seeing that helps me believe that not all those from that age group were brainwashed by regional or generational bigotry. Also helps me believe that honest true love may actually exist.
  • Hearing songs I really like in public places (especially because it won't be whatever is playing on Top 40 radio). What I mean by 'public places' is the hold music on the telephone or the overhead P.A. systems at grocery/big box stores. Times like that.
  • Cincinnati-style chili. I can eat a 3-way every night for a week and not be tired of it. 
  • Roller coasters. 
  • Friends who actually act like friends all the time, not only when it's convenient for them.
  • Pooping on company time. 
  • Thinking about attempting to grow plants this year. Even ones I won't eat.
  • My cats.
  • Not having to set an alarm clock.

I Dislike: 
  • The fact that I will probably kill every plant that sprouts.
  • Locking my keys in my apartment.
  • People who fit at least one of the following descriptions: rude, shallow, disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest, false, uncaring, egotistical, manipulative, hurtful, entitled, or selfish. Also people who don't use turn signals.
  • Vegetables. See above.
  • My cats.
  • Pooping in a stall next to someone else.
  • Being the center of attention. (Note to Arby's/Chic-Fil-A: Please don't scream at me as I walk in the door. It's extremely unsettling. Thanks.). 
  • When people who live two houses down park directly in front of my apartment. 
  • Miley Cyrus.

That Are Short-term Goals:
  • Riding my bike more often. I don't want to get chubby again.
  • Coming up with some semblance of a plan for after I graduate.
  • Going at least a whole week without crying myself to sleep, and going at least a whole day without thinking of him.
  • Simply graduating.
  • Seeing more of the people I love that also love me.
  • Figuring out exactly who some of these people are...
  • Getting my place not only clean, but hospitable for company. Like having chairs and a dining table and maybe even a real couch...

That I Want:
  • Some chairs, a dining table, a real couch, and hell, why not... some bookshelves or cabinets too.
  • To sit around a fire and drink wine with people dear to me.
  • A hammock.
  • A video projector. I have a screen I really want to use.
  • For Athens and her population to finally get a damn break from being shat upon by life and bombarded by death. Not sure you heard, but 2009 is over.
  • To have at least one whole day off a week.
  • A massage.
  • A new pair of Chucks.
  • A reason to dress like a girl. You know; pretty dress, heels, even makeup!
  • To find an Easter basket on my doorstep. Yes, it's silly. But you have no idea how big a kick I'd get out of this.

That I Hope For Someday:
  • To fall in love again with someone who deserves it.
  • To have this person read to me at night... I miss this tremendously.
  • To live debt-free and comfortably within my means (Cue Sally Struthers: "Do you wanna make more money? Sure! We all do!").
  • To love where I am and what I do; in short, to be happy with my home and my occupation no matter what it is or what anybody else thinks of it.
  • To have a family, including one spawnling. Yeah, I know. Never thought you'd hear me say that, did you?
  • To never entirely fit within the confines of a box. 
  • To not only allow, but welcome, certain changes and risks. Otherwise life becomes boring and mundane.
  • To stay true to myself, and be myself regardless of what may happen.
  • To be the coolest old lady ever. And be surrounded by a bunch of geezers just as cool as me.

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