Friday, July 16, 2010

The Invisibles

We are everywhere. I am one of them. I see you, and you, and that guy over there. I see all of you.

Some of you I know already; lots of you... Some of you I've never met.

The unknown ones- I glance at you to see if you glance back. I look for a sign of possible recognition, or of a general human bond. A nod, a smile, anything. Generally you pass by, and I go unnoticed. You didn't even see me. I wasn't there. But what if I could have been the best friend you ever met?

With those I know I wonder why our connection is so weak; why you never seem to wish to make it something more, a real link or a stronger cable to hold each other up. I would do my best to support you. I would like to be more than just someone you know from around, someone you speak to every 6 weeks because I happen to be standing there. I try to reach out. But oftentimes I'm cut off. Most times. "Leave a message at the beep..." "Out of sight, out of mind"- all very true. I wonder why it is only when you see me right in front of you that you remember that I'm here. I remember you all the time. All of you.

I am An Invisible. An Unremarkable. Filled with the desire to love, but broken down by being forgotten and unloved. Unseen. Every connection a missed one.

I know there are more of us out there.

But to all of you... just know that I see you. Even when you don't see me. And know that someone cares.

I posted this anonymously a few weeks ago. In the 'Missed Connections' section of the Athens Craigslist. I got bored, had had a beer or two, and wanted to see if I'd get any response. I got a few emails; three said they liked it. One said I should write a novel. And the last said "your sick" [sic]. Okay...  Anyway, just decided to move it here before the post expires and I don't have it written down anywhere else.


  1. i'm so torn reading this, erin, because you are a beautifully honest, talented writer. you really should invest a little more time in your writing and make a go of it in some way- i think your cl responders were onto something (except that one guy, but i don't take much stalk in people who can't grasp something so simple as contractions. god). but then of course there are all of the obvious sentiments: stop tearing yourself down; you're not invisible; you're a wonderful, interesting person(!), etc.

    your words are lovely, i just hope that you don't feel that way too often.

    big e

  2. wow, was i drunk? "onto" and "stalk"... sigh. <3

  3. You just have standards, you know? I myself would NEVER stalk anyone who does not understand contractions.
