Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Can You Spot The Scary?

Oops. I forgot to do a birthday post this year. No biggie. Well, less like I forgot (I know I'm getting older, but I got quite a while before the senility sets in. You shuddup.) but more that I don't have internet at home, and typing this crap out on a cell phone, smart or not, is a pain the ass. Regardless, nothing's changed, except now I'm 31 so I have even less of an excuse for just about everything I do. I have a feeling that someday I'll be hitting 40, all the while stomping my foot and refusing to eat my vegetables or fold my laundry or remember to pay my bills on time or any of those other things that adults are supposed to do and like it.

I'm only posting this now, at work, yes I know, don't fire me, it's almost 5pm, because Facebook has done it (well, did it the other day but I forgot about it) again with the sponsored ads. Here you go. One of these things is not (quite as fitting) as the others... ok, scratch that. It doesn't fit the ad on first glance, but then again, on another level it TOTALLY fits.
Can you spot the Scary? 

Alright. They're all scary. But one in particular is the thing of nightmares. Ugh. *shudder* 

Is it a kid? A doll? WTF? Be a social worker! Remove dolls from the possession of full-grown men (multiple sanitizing sessions needed)! Or remove kids who get dressed up as dolls from the possession of overweight middle-aged women who are using their children to vicariously live out their own Pretty Pretty Princess fantasies (multiple therapy sessions needed)! 

Same diff, yo.

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