Saturday, May 19, 2012

And so it goes...

It's funny how big-time sads can happen when there is a definitive end to something. Especially when it was something that never even started, really. I suppose the heartachey pangs more signify the end of the ideal and the sense of loss over the 'could have been's; not the actuality and the 'was'.

Before, I could daydream and it made sense... "Maybe next week, maybe someday"; the 'chance' was there (though it wasn't... that's beside the point... that's why it was a daydream). Now that 'chance' has flown the coop, the someday has sailed, and the daydream has died.

That's what is sad. Dreams evaporate.

But life goes on.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

Why anyone in their right mind would want five servings of mayonnaise is beyond me. But ok, fine, make a holiday out of that shit. And I suppose I'll just follow along... I'll bring the eggs if you bring the oil! Shit, yo... I got 5 on it!* Oh, what's that? It's not our holiday? You want tequila? I'm not sure that tequila and eggs together is such a good idea...

*Yes, I know that's not the original. But I like it. So suck it. But for you haters, here's the original.