Wednesday, January 4, 2006

who is getting inside my head??

Today I was bored, and of course when I'm bored I waste time here on MySpace. Even though I should clean or fold laundry or something semi-productive, but hey... Anyway I looked at my 'blog home' and saw that there have been 10 views of my blog just today. Since I only know of about 5 or so people who read this thing, and since I haven't written anything since a few days ago (which leads me to believe that they've already read it), I am just curious as to who else is visiting... also because when I read over the crap I spew forth, and then read someone else's, I feel really boring in comparison. Yeah. My guess is that you're just as bored as I am.
Here are some tidbits for you then:
   Working on New Years Day was craptastic. While it was lucrative, I could have acheived the same mental state by banging my head against a wall for 10 minutes. Though today it was a ghost town.
   I finally returned a NetFlix movie I have had since mid-November. Oops. Hurray for no late fees!!
   Though earlier I said that I should be doing something productive since I'm bored, I failed to mention that I did drag out the ol' clarinet and practice for a long time. I need to get back into shape. Especially if I want that whole get-my-act-together-and-go-to-grad-school fiasco to pan out.
   But other than practicing... I uh, uhh....nope, not productive. Messed around online. Spent money on shit I don't really need but could use (some clothes, on sale of course, and some new sneakers for work). Oh, I mailed my rent and cell phone bill. Holla!
   Are you still reading this?? Wow.
   I'm sitting here drinking a beer, trying to decide if I want to watch a movie... I probably will. I bought some $5 DVDs at Wuxtry yesterday. But I don't think I'll watch any of those.
   Yeah, there were other things I had in mind to say, but I'm so bored right now that I can't even motivate my brain to go. Just like those damn trains that stop on Pulaski and make me have to go back the other way and come into town via Barber instead. 

   Which reminds me... yesterday there was a train stopped on the tracks when Eric and I were walking downtown for dinner. He likes to cut between the cars. That scares the hell out of me, because for as many 4-leaf-clovers as I have, I also have bad luck. Not the catastrophic, get-struck-by-lightning-6-times kind, but the constantly-shit-on-by-birds kind. But who knows when I'll be upgraded. So, I'm thinking, "sure, we cut through, but he'll get through fine, but as soon as I get on there, that's when it'll start to go and then I'll die. awesome." Blah, Blah, we get to the train and he climbs up between the cars and jumps down and it's cool. So I follow the lead, climb up between the cars (moving as fast as possible and internally spazzing out) and jump down, and cool, I didn't die. But to prove my point, not 30 seconds later the train started to move. So it was close. Well, close enough for me. I don't think I want to tempt fate or what have you again any time soon. 

Alright. I'll shut up now. Time for another beer and a movie.

(amazing how now matter how much you preview this stuff, you never see your grammatical/spelling/whatever mistakes until after you post)

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