Thursday, January 19, 2006

I don't know!!

Rememer that show that used to come on Nickelodeon; 'You Can't Do That On Television'? When a character said "water", a bucket of water would be dumped on them, and when someone said "I don't know" they got covered in green slime. Well, I think I have the microscopic version of this show being taped in my sinuses. And all the little cells must be stupid, judging by the amount of, uhh... slime... that I've been blowing out of my nose. 

In other news:

Some events of the past week and a half have left me melancholy and a little stressed. So I'm not much fun right now, really. I wish things would return to the way they were. I hate uncertainty.

I hope Dexter is getting reacclimated nicely in his old home. Hopefully there isn't any mad-cat consequences like peeing on things.

And meanwhile, after only a day, one less cat = way less cat shit. So that's good.

That is all, for I must go relieve myself of some of this slime. Not that you really wanted to know that... Yum!!

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