Thursday, June 8, 2006

I like pretzels

Yeah, so I'm blogging simply for the sake of blogging. I don't have anything important to say, I'm not possessing some history-altering piece of information, and I honestly don't care if you think I'm full of shit or not. I mean, mostly because I already know that everyone thinks I'm full of shit...

  I'm just bored. I have lots of time to kill this week. I don't work again until Monday, so not only do I have nothing to do, I also have no money, so I can't go do something else since everything costs (at least a little) money. You should entertain me. Or feed me, that'd be cool too.

  Currently I'm drinking a High Life and eating pretzel sticks. I was going to get PBR but Lee's was out of it. OUT OF PBR. Both cans and bottles. What sort of ridiculousness is that?? Though I was only getting PBR because I couldn't afford anything else at the time...

  My mom may come visit again soon, but this time she won't bring that friend of hers. Cool lady, but a bit unrefined for my tastes. Well, I mean more of the 'unrefined, and having to explain her actions to my friends' type of unrefined. Anyway, Mom might come hang out, but only if there isn't a memorial service for the 9-year-old son of a friend of hers. For those of you that watch the news, I'm talking about the little boy who got murdered in his apartment complex on Monday by a stranger. The boy made the mistake of telling a passing car in the parking lot that the car had a wobbly wheel, and someone in the car taught him a lesson by embedding a hatchet in his face. I will never understand the completely fucked up shit that some people do.

  Monday was mostly fun- Trivia was good, then I went and got my ass handed to me in a few games of darts. Then I hung out with Eric, and went to Matt's house to drink more beer and watch 'Futurama'. I say 'mostly fun' because everything was fun until we left Matt's house and I had to ride my bike back into town. That hill sucks. A lot. And I know there is an easier way to get back to my house from there, but Eric wouldn't be swayed from taking that hill. I'll just take the shortcut by myself next time.

  I can't think of anything else to say right now; rather, I can't think of anything that would be suitable to share with the general Internet population, so I'm going to sign off now. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and the stickiness and sweatiness that goes along with it. I know that I am quite the sweaty girl. Not that you really wanted to know that...

tiny e, Over and Out.

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