Friday, September 22, 2006

The Name Game

Barring any sort of name vs. personality epiphany in the next couple of days, I think I have settled on a name for the new cat... Oliver. I don't know why it fits, but it fits him better than Gus, which was the first name I though of.... And it's at least slightly better than Sarah. Also, I think I may be having repressed memories of some Disney movie called 'Oliver' that was released in the late 80's/early 90's (which was an animated remake of the musical of the same name but with animals) influencing me.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The New Addition

So yes, I am a sucker. And I will become the Crazy Cat Lady. Because this is undoubtedly my fate, I may as well go ahead and get a head start on things, right? Let me introduce you to Cat Number Three.

He's a cutie, huh? I call him Cat Number Three for now, because he doesn't yet have a name. Well, actually, I take that back. He has a name that the previous owners gave him. But they named him before they knew if he was male or female, so the poor dude's been called Sarah for the past four months. This will not do. Now that he's ball-less, he doesn't need the added embarrassment of a girl's name. I've got a few bouncing around in my brain, but I need to get a feel for his personality. It will be a 'people' name, too, just like my other two. Any suggestions?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Erin's world.

Today it rained for 15 minutes. Starting 1 minute after I left the Grill to head home on my bike, and ending 4 minutes after I walked into my house soaking wet. So what else is new?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I Heart America.

Because there are people who make things like this little gem. Click on 'Watch Video'. And be sure to have your speakers on. I found this somewhere last year, but forgot about it until this past Monday. If you were ever needing a severe boost in your personal level of patriotism, I can't think of anything else that would work as well as this video. It'll make you want to go buy every American flag you can find. But you won't find any, because I've already bought them all. So there.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

With my mind on my money

A boring Sunday hanging out at home. I'm about to go participate in one of the most exciting activities in the world- Rolling coin!! I know I could be a lazy bum and just take it to the Coin Star thing, but fuck that. I'm not giving them 8.5% of my jingling earnings just to count it for me. That is what mindless movies are for- to pass the time while sorting and counting and rolling the monies. I will say, the thing I hate most about doing the change thing is that awful metal smell that soaks into your hands. Not to mention the fact that I will have also just handled probably every form of bacteria known to man, and more fecal matter than I care to think about. I suppose it's a good way to boost the old immune system... who needs vaccines when you can just roll some change and then lick your fingers?

Ok. That last statement really grossed me out.