Sunday, September 10, 2006

With my mind on my money

A boring Sunday hanging out at home. I'm about to go participate in one of the most exciting activities in the world- Rolling coin!! I know I could be a lazy bum and just take it to the Coin Star thing, but fuck that. I'm not giving them 8.5% of my jingling earnings just to count it for me. That is what mindless movies are for- to pass the time while sorting and counting and rolling the monies. I will say, the thing I hate most about doing the change thing is that awful metal smell that soaks into your hands. Not to mention the fact that I will have also just handled probably every form of bacteria known to man, and more fecal matter than I care to think about. I suppose it's a good way to boost the old immune system... who needs vaccines when you can just roll some change and then lick your fingers?

Ok. That last statement really grossed me out.  

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