Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The New Addition

So yes, I am a sucker. And I will become the Crazy Cat Lady. Because this is undoubtedly my fate, I may as well go ahead and get a head start on things, right? Let me introduce you to Cat Number Three.

He's a cutie, huh? I call him Cat Number Three for now, because he doesn't yet have a name. Well, actually, I take that back. He has a name that the previous owners gave him. But they named him before they knew if he was male or female, so the poor dude's been called Sarah for the past four months. This will not do. Now that he's ball-less, he doesn't need the added embarrassment of a girl's name. I've got a few bouncing around in my brain, but I need to get a feel for his personality. It will be a 'people' name, too, just like my other two. Any suggestions?

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