Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Like sands through the hourglass...

After what turned into a shitty night/morning, followed by a shitty shitty day at work (on just a few hours of attempted sleep, no less), and a boring and irritating rehearsal, my day has just made a complete 180.

    I got a call from the deceased landlord's wife, and she said I don't have to move out and she'll bring me a new lease to sign next week. Awesome. I got a letter in the mail from ATC saying I am accepted into the Veterinary Technology program starting this fall. More awesome. I feel like maybe things might start falling into place.

   And honestly, there may even be some good that comes from the shitty events of last night/morning because I made it clear that I wasn't going to stay in limbo much longer. I said we've been doing this back-and-forth for far too long, and that he needs to decide what he wants. Soon. Because I feel that if it's that hard of a decision after all this time, than it just won't ever work. If you still don't know if you want me or not, you probably don't. And if you don't, let it be done with. So yeah, I may not get my way on this one, and it will hurt all over again, but at least I'll be sure of my (emotional) freedom again.
    No good comes from the Grill, though. I can't bullshit myself that much.

Things I Need: 
- a laptop
- a car
- lots and lots o'money. to pay for school-related things. time to research loans.
- a few vaccines. i have to get the rabies vaccine. i DON'T like needles.
- a job. that doesn't blow. nights and weekends.
Things I Want:
- see previous list
- more shit. too much to list probably. and not terribly interesting.

Caramel Ice Cream with Cinnamon Bun Dough and a Caramel Streusel Swirl. Pure genius. Thanks to both Ben and Jerry. And guess what? I'm eating some BEFORE I make dinner. So there.

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