Thursday, June 21, 2007

I sold my soul for rock and roll and a case of beer.

Loans. Royal pain in the ass. ATC does not participate in the federal student loan program, so that's out. And so far, ATC is also not on any of the 'approved school' lists for any private lenders. Blow. The 'sugardaddy' option is getting more appealing by the minute, considering I still haven't scratched a winning lottery ticket.

Laptops. I have no idea what to look for. Except small. 12-14" (insert childish dick joke here). However, this is contingent on the above.

Hot. Humid. I can't go anywhere without being gross. I sweat, er... rather 'glow' more than the average girl. So you probably shouldn't stand too close to me because I might smell bad. It's better than cold and rainy any day, though.

Yes, that was me standing out in my yard at 2am. And yes, I was in fact watering my grass/weeds/flowers/dirt. What.

Some things just can't be salvaged. Which sucks. Like with those crappy erasable pens (ha, erasable...), the evidence of errors past remains, no matter how hard you try to return to a clean slate. You can't make something work if there is nothing left to work with. All that is left now are the ink smudges and erosion damage from the overused-yet-inadequate eraser.

Oliver is talking to himself again.

Next Thursday! Athens will see the arrival of a super-cool girl. My oldest friend. By oldest, I mean we go back to second grade. Fuck yeah.

Mosquitos can kiss my ass. NOT bite. Kiss. And then kindly bugger off.

Nighty-night, kids.

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