Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another late night

Hey, SCT 191... Yeah, you Introduction to Speech... Guess what? YOU CAN KISS MY ASS. That's right. Fuck off. What.

The Autobahn. You know, for ants.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

One for the road

I'm writing and posting this blog from the new toy I received at 11am today. Cheers to good credit!

Last Friday, I saw someone commit one of the most entertaining acts of momentary dumbness I've seen in a while. Only because all factors were perfect; down to timing, the people/car involved, and results. Truly a 'Doh!' kind of mistake.
Some woman, with her husband as passenger (probably some new UGA student's parents here for orientation) turned from the westbound lane of Broad Street onto College Avenue. Everyone who lives here knows that this is a big whoops since this means that you are now going the wrong direction on a one-way street. This does happen a lot, and in and of itself isn't that funny. However... everyone who lives here has also seen the road crews digging up the downtown streets all summer to replace the pipes underneath. These crews had just minutes before finished up a section on College Avenue, and had filled it with fresh, wet concrete. So this woman turns onto College, and drives her car right into a foot-deep pit of wet concrete. And her car is no beater; she's driving a brand-spankin'-new Mercedes convertible. A small one. That gets completely stuck in this hole and requires the help of a tow truck to drag it out. And to add insult to injury (since she's already embarrassed as hell because downtown was fairly busy and lots of people saw this, and she has severely damaged a brand new, very expensive car so I'm sure her husband is PISSED- I'd say that counts as an injury), while the tow truck is pulling the car out, one of ACC's finest is issuing her a ticket for driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Welcome to Athens!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Teacher, leave us kids alone.

I think I'm going to redo the red that was in my hair a couple months ago. I'm feeling boring.

Today I had my first test and my first speech. Being a student again is a little weird for me. I am not used to having to get things done by a deadline anymore. The speech I started writing last night, and finished it this morning. I then had two hours between my test and speech class to practice it, and pare it down to fit the time limit. It was only a short speech of introduction, but I HATE public speaking. Also, I wanted to make it seem like I actually read the textbook (which I did) and was trying to apply what I read. Though I was super nervous, I got full credit and one comment my teacher made on my response sheet was "Well prepared and presented!". Awesome.

Another student-type thing that will take a little adaptation from me will be that I am now taking classes that require books, reading, studying, writing papers, and doing homework. Not just playing my clarinet for 6 hours or composing three-part fugues or analyzing scores. Music stuff always came to me much easier than the rest of my general academic rigamerol. Maybe it's because to me music never really was 'work', even when it was (at least for a long time). Oh, except certain parts of theory and history. Not a fan of those so much.

I'm finally feeling like I've got it (or am getting it) together. I'm in a better place than where I've been in a while, and I like it. For once I'm actually a little excited about what the future may bring.

Today I also bought a bus pass... when you add that to my current living situation (alone), my three cats, my sometimes-crotchety demeanor, and my ability to completely hermitize myself, the only thing proving I'm not actually a little old lady is my age itself. Shit. Where's my senior discount card?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The gardenhead knows my name.

Not that much to say, really.

My friend Lindsey was here to visit last weekend and we tore it up. Shitloads of fun were had. She was supposed to be here Thursday, but her flight was cancelled due to weather, and then she overslept and missed her flight on Friday. But made it here around 7pm Friday. I'm still catching up on sleep and stuff. Hope you had a blast! Next up: me in Chicago, maybe this fall sometime. Also, talk of a trip out west.

Classes start on Monday. I am classified as a 'freshman'. Only 15 hours transferred from UGA, but that makes sense considering my degree. Either way, it's going to be interesting. I have pretty much forgotten what it feels like to be a student. I paid for it out-of-pocket this time, but will have to do some serious searching for funds for future quarters.

After next week, my name will be listed at the top of the wait schedule at The Grill. I never, ever thought that would happen. I'd figured I would be long gone by now, both from that infernal restaurant and this sometimes-infernal town. At least I know I have a plan now, and that my name won't still be there in two years (at the absolute, very longest... I hope it's off that piece of paper much sooner).

It can't be your way or no way. I made it clear I was wary and untrusting, but that there is also way too much emotion invested for me to be able to just start completely from the beginning. I need to know where I stand with you, but you refuse to give me an answer. 'Making it work' involves compromise, especially at this point, but stubbornness continues to keep control. So he will sit there and watch me drift away, but do nothing about it no matter how much it kills him. And me. Now I know for sure, at least, that he will never decide, which leaves me to do it for him. No answer is not much different than a negative one.

Couch naps are fucking awesome. But I tend to take too long of a nap when I do, which leaves me all groggy-headed the rest of the evening. Still awesome though.

Fireworks from South Carolina are also awesome.

Ooops! Writing this has caused me to slightly overcook my Totino's frozen pizza. But no matter, because Totino's pizzas are ALWAYS fucking awesome.