Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Teacher, leave us kids alone.

I think I'm going to redo the red that was in my hair a couple months ago. I'm feeling boring.

Today I had my first test and my first speech. Being a student again is a little weird for me. I am not used to having to get things done by a deadline anymore. The speech I started writing last night, and finished it this morning. I then had two hours between my test and speech class to practice it, and pare it down to fit the time limit. It was only a short speech of introduction, but I HATE public speaking. Also, I wanted to make it seem like I actually read the textbook (which I did) and was trying to apply what I read. Though I was super nervous, I got full credit and one comment my teacher made on my response sheet was "Well prepared and presented!". Awesome.

Another student-type thing that will take a little adaptation from me will be that I am now taking classes that require books, reading, studying, writing papers, and doing homework. Not just playing my clarinet for 6 hours or composing three-part fugues or analyzing scores. Music stuff always came to me much easier than the rest of my general academic rigamerol. Maybe it's because to me music never really was 'work', even when it was (at least for a long time). Oh, except certain parts of theory and history. Not a fan of those so much.

I'm finally feeling like I've got it (or am getting it) together. I'm in a better place than where I've been in a while, and I like it. For once I'm actually a little excited about what the future may bring.

Today I also bought a bus pass... when you add that to my current living situation (alone), my three cats, my sometimes-crotchety demeanor, and my ability to completely hermitize myself, the only thing proving I'm not actually a little old lady is my age itself. Shit. Where's my senior discount card?

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