Thursday, July 5, 2007

The gardenhead knows my name.

Not that much to say, really.

My friend Lindsey was here to visit last weekend and we tore it up. Shitloads of fun were had. She was supposed to be here Thursday, but her flight was cancelled due to weather, and then she overslept and missed her flight on Friday. But made it here around 7pm Friday. I'm still catching up on sleep and stuff. Hope you had a blast! Next up: me in Chicago, maybe this fall sometime. Also, talk of a trip out west.

Classes start on Monday. I am classified as a 'freshman'. Only 15 hours transferred from UGA, but that makes sense considering my degree. Either way, it's going to be interesting. I have pretty much forgotten what it feels like to be a student. I paid for it out-of-pocket this time, but will have to do some serious searching for funds for future quarters.

After next week, my name will be listed at the top of the wait schedule at The Grill. I never, ever thought that would happen. I'd figured I would be long gone by now, both from that infernal restaurant and this sometimes-infernal town. At least I know I have a plan now, and that my name won't still be there in two years (at the absolute, very longest... I hope it's off that piece of paper much sooner).

It can't be your way or no way. I made it clear I was wary and untrusting, but that there is also way too much emotion invested for me to be able to just start completely from the beginning. I need to know where I stand with you, but you refuse to give me an answer. 'Making it work' involves compromise, especially at this point, but stubbornness continues to keep control. So he will sit there and watch me drift away, but do nothing about it no matter how much it kills him. And me. Now I know for sure, at least, that he will never decide, which leaves me to do it for him. No answer is not much different than a negative one.

Couch naps are fucking awesome. But I tend to take too long of a nap when I do, which leaves me all groggy-headed the rest of the evening. Still awesome though.

Fireworks from South Carolina are also awesome.

Ooops! Writing this has caused me to slightly overcook my Totino's frozen pizza. But no matter, because Totino's pizzas are ALWAYS fucking awesome.

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