Saturday, June 14, 2008

All the kings horses and all the kings men...

After writing this, I will most likely spend the rest of the day cleaning my house. It has gotten intolerable in here, and now that I'm not in school I have no excuses to ignore it any longer. So yay, cleaning!

I got home yesterday and found my most favorite childhood relic smashed to pieces on the floor. It was the cookie jar from my dad's house, a ceramic cat with some random tulips on it and two little birds for the handle (sitting on the cat's head). Though I really like this thing, I've never really felt overly attached to my material things. I surprised myself by bursting into tears at the sight of it, and crying bitterly the entire time I was cleaning it up. I did save all the pieces that hadn't been reduced to dust, and once I find some superglue I'm going to attempt to put it back together.

I missed getting an A in one of my classes by 0.3 points. I like to say I don't really care about my grades, and I really wouldn't be bothered by getting a B if I had an 86 or something, but when it's that close... well, that's just annoying. I got A's in my other two classes, but this B ruins my perfect record in my program (I have gotten two other B's so far, but not in program classes- Microbiology and College Algebra). So boo to that.

I'm selling my bass and practice amp. They are listed on Craigslist now. If anyone is interested let me know. I'll also be trying to sell a crappy flute and a decent clarinet. After that I might sell a kidney.

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