Saturday, June 28, 2008

No one knows me better than MySpace!

How did MySpace know? Of course this is exactly what I've been searching for!

For no self-respecting drunkard like myself would be caught dead without proper sporting attire.

In other news, my grandmother has saved the day and is going to send me a loan so that I don't have to quit school, pack it all up, live in my car, and whore myself out for table scraps. She asked what I needed, and honestly most things can be paid for from my dwindling credit limits, so I told her some help with rent since my landlord doesn't take Discover. I told her though I'm looking for a cheaper place, I am really happy where I am because it's exactly what I need and not a shithole (but I didn't say shithole- it's my Grandma), and she totally understood that and then asked what my rent was. I told her, figuring she'd kick me a few months' worth. This morning I got an email from her telling me what and when she was sending, and about spit coffee all over my monitor. Not only does she want me to stay off the streets, she's making sure I can eat every now and then too. So thanks to her!! I won't be using this loan willy-nilly though, because I do have to eventually pay it back. To my Dad. Because it's coming from part of his inheritance. So thanks to him too, because it's technically his, just not yet.
I also had to promise Grandma that when she's gone, I will take care of my dad since when that happens he'll most likely be homeless because he lives with her (unless the Family gets their way in another plan of theirs involving me, which this loan may have just sort of guaranteed whether I like it or not)- like I would have just dumped him on a cart "Bring Out Yer Dead!" style...
Either way, I now have a little bit less to lose sleep over, and for that I am very grateful.

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