Sunday, March 15, 2009

Are you feeling lucky, punk?

Today I found my first four-leaf clover of the season. I took a NetFlix movie to my mailbox, looked down, and there it was. So I picked it, brought it in and stuck it between the pages of my trusty copy of "The New St. Martin's Handbook" with my other pressed clovers. This is the only thing I have ever used this book for, of course. Pressing four-leaf clovers. And yes, I did say other pressed clovers. I have hundreds. Pretty much the only slightly remarkable talent I have is the ability to find four-leaf clovers. I've been finding them everywhere since I was little, and over the course of my life have probably picked entire meadows of them. But they bring me no good luck whatsoever. I have also always had chronic bad luck, and unfortunately no amount of fabled good fortune can reverse that.

      Speaking of good fortune, at Beet Tower a couple of weeks ago, Ann brought over a handful of the fortune cookies that Taco Stand has, and everyone took turns opening them and reading their fortunes out loud. I open my cookie, and lo and behold, it's empty. So I go get another cookie, open that one, and it's empty too. I was going to stop there because, hey, no news is better than bad news. But Ann went and got a third cookie for me. I open that one, and the fortune is not really a fortune at all, but a statement saying something along the lines of "don't question things you can't control" which I thought was funny since it sort of felt like the cookie was reprimanding me for not being content with no fortune. Twice.

    Anyway, back to the clovers... If anyone thinks they may benefit from having as their own a four-leaf clover found by me, let me know. I can find you one on a page describing proper subject-verb agreement or acceptable usage of semi-colons or even the ways to cite sources in a formal research paper. Maybe the good luck will work for you. And I won't be running out of them any time soon. I'm sure I'll find myself with nothing to do on some sunny day, and next thing you know, I'll be outside in the little field next to my house looking for more clovers. The neighbors will wonder what I'm doing, and may start to talk. But maybe that will be the day I find my own lucky clover, or better yet, that pot of gold those leprechauns are always talking about.

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