Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Morning Coming Down

Location: Customer Service Desk, Blue/Red motif Big Box Home Improvement Store.
Scene: Sunday, February 14, 2010. 8:07 AM. "Valentine's Day"- a holiday celebrated by some, but not all. First incoming phone call of the day.
*Phone Rings*
Me: "How may I direct your call?"
Man on Line: "I don't know, but you better tell me where I can get some salt or I'm going to Home Depot."
Me: "Um... I'm sorry. What is it you're looking for?"
Man on Line; "I said, 'I don't know, but if you don't tell me where I can find salt I'm going to Home Depot!' Salt! Or I'm going to Home Depot!".
Me: ... ... (squelching the 'oh, no you didn't' response about to burst forth)... ... One moment.
Transfer call to department that carries road salt, knowing full well that the store is completely sold out.

Really? Wanna try that exchange again, fuckwad? Where do you get off? And what makes you think anyone at my place of employment wants to deal with some jerkoff who thinks that by harrassing the phone operator he'll get his way? Oh, I'm sorry, sir... I can tell you are in serious need of some salt- of course it's not your fault that you waited until today to go looking for it. Why don't I produce some Ice Melt out of my ass for you? Douche. Go on across the street. Go for it, bud. I'm sure they'll welcome you. 

Today was Valentine's Day. Bah fucking Humbug. While I think it's a stupid, cheesy, mushball of a day... I did realize today that I've never gotten anything for Valentine's Day (well, not since middle school. Which does not count). Most years, I've not been anyone's, or had a, valentine. But even last year when I (officially) did, I didn't get so much as a text message. I got him a card- a big joke of a card too, which I am proud of because it was funny as shit and I knew it would be right up his alley- and a little thing of candy and snuck into his apartment and left it for him on his computer keyboard. I at least showed I was thinking of him. I got zilch. Le sigh. Yeah, it's stupid. And I wouldn't ever want anything super-cheeseball. No giant balloons or ridiculous numbers of flowers (puke). No retarded dinner out on a night when EVERYONE does that. Nothing over the top. But for once, being acknowledged as someone's valentine would be nice. A hug. You know, just a little sweetness.

And chocolate is always good too...

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