Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Wee Post

I have a Midget Shower.

Which is strange for me to be concerned with, since I myself am only two measly inches and a diagnosed dwarfism gene away from being able to be a card-carrying member of Little People of America, and am quite eligible to join the National Organization of Short Statured Adults.

But yeah. My shower is short, and it annoys me. I didn't notice it when I looked at the place. But when I went to take that first shower I got in the tub and BAM. The shower head was right in front of me. At eye level. Nothing is ever at eye level for me, and never have I been in any shower that is that low. I can't imagine how the guy that lived here before me dealt with that for over a year. I once lived in an apartment where the shower head was so high I couldn't reach it to redirect the spray. I lowered it. Brought it closer to my level. But this... this is just bizarre. To have to MAKE SOMETHING TALLER so I don't bump into it. So's I got a nifty showerarm extender thing- has a lovely 'S' shape and makes the shower head 6" higher. But now I can't get the old arm off. Stuck tight. Gah. I was so looking forward to being able to stand under a nice hot shower rather than getting blasted right in the face. Probably for the best right now, since I still only get a nice hot shower for about 4 minutes.

My new entertainment is writing really stupid limericks at work. About things at work and people at work. It started with a package of broken lightbulbs. And it has escalated rapidly. Now I feel the urge to write a limerick about everything there. Jeebus. I really might be going insane. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think you should post your limericks. Because that would be awesome.
