Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This may be odd, but based on your writing alone, I wish there was some way I could grant you three of your birthday wishes. I think I would only be able to honor three out of the seven because I only have one car and I can't guarantee that it's tick free

I would never take your only car. Which three? A single tick-infested car eliminates one, but leave six to choose from!

Ask me anything

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Has it been since November when I wrote that reply? Time flies when you're focused on other life goals (fun not being one of them).

    Which three? I'd have to say I could sufficiently satiate your need for these three: massage (certified MT), wardrobe (I gots monez) and man friend (I'm awesome). Although I am in the age range of which you're sick of; I can really shake em down. (+1 for contours reference).

    I had a very strange dream last night as well. I always write them down on my computer the moment I awake so as to not lose any of the scenes or information. Since Inception, my dreams have become very strange different; especially the way I look at them.
