Sunday, March 6, 2011

Island Of The Alive

Well then. Sure has been a while. I didn't actually forget about this blog, but for a while it's not exactly been at the forefront of my thoughts.

Damn, I used to have all sorts of crap to say. Most was just drivel, but still I had no issues with opening the old brain-spigot fully and letting the word diarrhea commence. So how is it that I finally return after more than three months, sign in, and....


There is currently not one single smart-ass comment waiting in the wings. No rants against my fellow humanoids. No bad puns or horribly offensive stories or jokes which would allow me to use obscene amounts of profanity. There was stuff in mind before, I promise. Stuff I had planned on writing about. This and that and the other. Where the hell did those bastards go off to??

Have I lost it? My knack for the real,  for my no-added-sugar commentary on my surroundings, my ability to spout off whilst simultaneously boring the ever-living shit out of 50% of you and making 30% of you giggle at least once? (You other 20%... get your hand out of your pants. This is not the blog for that). Or do I just need to drink more beer?

You be the judge.

'Cause I'm back. And by {insert choice of higher power here}, I'm gonna write some shit.

Look out, people.

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