Monday, May 2, 2011

Primero de Mayo

Osama bin Laden bit it today. Given how hard it was to find this guy, I had pretty much decided he'd never be captured nor killed. I figured we'd keep looking until the day some U.S. soldier who wandered behind some rocks to jerk off out in the Pakistani wasteland stumbled upon Osama's dead-from-old-age corpse by pure luck. But no. They found him, and then they went in there and popped a cap in his terrorist ass. AND they took his body. Take that, Al Qaeda bitches. However, there goes the motivation behind every political action of the past decade...  what will be the justified cause for the next war we start? Who will take over as Public Enemy Number One?

Twilight was loads of fun, though there was not enough food consumed prior to beers. Felt crappy all day today, and wasted a super-lovely day I should have used more productively. Like by taking out terrorists. Yeah. They really out-shined me on that whole getting-shit-done-on-the-weekend thing.

I really really really like my new phone. It's fancy and fun and I need a case for it so I don't do a classic Erin klutz move and drop it into a meat grinder or something. There are so many apps to choose from, and I really have no idea which I need (none) or want (all). My brain likes to simply shut down when presented with too many choices (much like my older computational devices) so I haven't done too many yet except Words With Friends and Facebook and foursquare. And two games. And Kindle. And Pandora. And Google Sky Map thing. Ok, I guess I fibbed a little. I have downloaded some. 

The other day I tried to check this thing to see if there were any comments. I typed in the URL, but inadvertently dropped the 's' from 'blogspot'. And lo and behold, up comes this. The Mega Site of Bible Studies. Seriously. All other letters in the URL the same as the page you're looking at now. Oh, the irony...

I've decided that if things in the beer world don't work out, or if I want to pursue a second occupation, I want to get a job writing the little product blurbs for a company like Heartland America. Specifically for items like this fine little gem. Where does one procure such employment?

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