Monday, January 4, 2010

So far...


2010 (twenty ten, of course) has yet to blind me with brilliance. It's four days in. The first day, I slept in, ran my rent check to the landlord, then spent the rest of the day lounging on the couch eating junk food and watching movies. But then day 2 hit.

The morning of Day 2, my car wouldn't start. Turn key, nothing happens. I was an hour late for work (but only an hour late thanks to a ride from a friend). Upon descriptions of what didn't happen when I turned the key, the most likely explanation was a weak battery that couldn't handle the cold. And I agree with it, because I don't like cold either. But I'm not allowed to just stop. Jerk. Anyway, work, then friend who took me to work picked me up and took me to Hell On Earth (aka Wal-Mart) so I could get a new battery. Of course, the only one they had that would work for my car was the expensive one. But whatever. I just want it to start.

Get that, get some cat litter, get the hell out of there. Friend I'm with has an invite to hang out for a bit downtown, so I go with. It's already dark and freezing out, so it's not like we're going to go put this battery in now. Go have some beers. Go make a run somewhere. Back downtown, another friend shows up, new venue, more beers. Yay Saturday night dance party! Someone stomps on my foot, whatever, happens all the time. Dance with some folks. Have a bit too much fun....

Day 3. Get up after not nearly enough sleep. Go to work. Have to get a ride again since new battery is in friend's car and not my car. Foot hurts, but I figure it's my crappy shoes. Work, get a ride home. Call friend with battery and cat litter. He comes over. Just for shits and giggles, he says to try to start the car. And it starts right up. WTF? So we don't put in the new battery, but agree it'd be smart to hold on to it for a few days and see what happens. Friend leaves, I make dinner, lounge on couch, watch movies. Take off shoes. Foot still throbbing while I'm just sitting there. Take off sock. Whole left pinky toe is blackish purple. Yum.

Day 4. Toe hurts more than yesterday. I feel gimpy. But there isn't anything you can do about a broken toe, really. And I probably look pretty sketchy because I make wide berths around people; I'm terrified someone will step on my foot or bump it. That shit hurts. And this morning, car would not start. So friend comes over, puts in new battery. It starts! Yay! Take a shower, go to a meeting. On way to meeting, stop and get gas. And car won't start... WTF? But then it does, just after a 5 second delay. What is that about?

So far 2010 has given me 80 bucks spent on a battery, a car that is still acting up with the new battery, and a broken toe.


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