Friday, October 14, 2005

groundhog day

I'm living what seems to be a never-ending cycle... get up too early, go to work, kiss ass for 6 hours, come home with plans to be productive but waste time doing other things instead, go to practice, go out, spend money on beer, come home too late, start it all over again. 

I need a magnificent event to happen. Something to get me going again. Something that will change the view I currently have. 

I need a vacation.

I wish I had a hammock. And fewer mosquitoes in my backyard. 

Nothing like a dance party to make you feel like the stereotypical 'ugly friend'. Being walloped by self-consciousness/conspicuousness ain't so grand either. Those things go hand in hand.

No matter what, though... Ben and Jerry are always there for me. I can also guarantee 30 lbs of cat cuddling with me tonight.

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