Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PBR-induced musings

Tonight was a Beer Tower night. It was fun, but not as much fun as in previous weeks. We placed 4th, as usual. 

Drinking too much crappy beer makes me think about things I otherwise should just not bother with... among them:

* why do people hold these ridiculous grudges against each other?

* did the coffee shop girl actually give me decaf when I asked for it? Is she trying to kill me?

* I have been so bored lately, even though I am fairly occupied most of the time... what is keeping me in this rut?

* do I just need to get out of this town?

* why hasn't my landlord cashed the rent check I wrote him almost 2 weeks ago? what does it matter if it's a few days late, then?

* is my bike about to fall apart? 

* with me on it?

* what is it about me that makes me nothing more than a passing thought in others' minds? am I that forgettable?

* how come no one makes pants short enough for me?

* where are these slugs I find in my house coming from?? 

* if I died/disappeared/whatever, how long would it be before someone noticed?

* how can I avoid the coming Avian Flu pandemic?

* what makes chocolate milk so damn good? I could drink it all day long.

My brain just doesn't stop. Too bad it's a bunch of useless crap that only wastes time rather than solving any major world issues. Guess that's why I'm just a waitress.

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