Monday, October 3, 2005

If I can't see you, you can't see me...

Well, I thought that I'd be spending my extra money this week on costuming things for Effie's and on some new jeans.. you know, fun stuff. But, instead that money will be going towards an eye exam and a new pair of glasses. Since my current pair of glasses got stepped on tonight. They are definitely dead. :(  And on top of that, the place I go to only does exams on Fridays, so I'll have to go lense-less for a week. I feel naked. Don't look at me. I have a headache. 

In other news, there was some sort of SWAT situation here in Athens tonight, but I only saw the graphic on the news. The volume on the TV in Taco Stand was down and the closed captioning was turned off. And they didn't show any footage. Bastards. I'm all curious, and I have no info!! 

I also saw a really nasty looking still-shot photo of the Alabama football player who broke his leg in this past weekend's Alabama-Florida game. It's an action shot, taken right when it happened. It looks like even he isn't sure what he did yet, since he's still got his hands on the ball. In the endzone, no less. It's gross. No doubt about it that it hurt like hell. Feet aren't supposed to bend that way unless your name is Gumby. I hope that Alabama got the points for the touchdown, because I think an injury like that is worth six points. 

Anyway, off to bed. Gonna mope about my broken glasses some more. Can't wait to hear everyone tell me how weird I look without them.

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