Friday, February 3, 2006

rollin' in the Benjamins

Hell yeah. I got my tax refund(s) today. What a nice surprise to log into my online banking account and see the sudden little increase in savings. Too bad it only happens once a year. And too bad it was mine to begin with.

Oh, and apparently there is something living in my house's air ducts. For the past week or so, I've caught one of my cats sitting next to the living room vent staring into it for long periods of time. It was freaking me out a little, but that cat's psycho anyway, so I thought it was just her being 'normal'. But no, today I go over there when she's staring down into it, and something runs away. And I heard it in there a couple times. Startled the hell out of me. Guess I'll be calling the landlord about it tomorrow.

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