Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I didn't get enough sleep last night. It was my fault. But, I often skimp on a full 8 hours and don't have much trouble. This afternoon at work, I started feeling weird. So I ate a little something thinking that's all I needed. But it didn't go away entirely. After work I went and had a coffee (decaf of course, haha), and then went and ate a burrito. And now I've gone from feeling a little off to feeling pretty gross. I'm pretty damn sure it wasn't the burrito, so I'm just hoping it's not some illness sneaking up on me. I don't have time for any bacterial malarky or viral shenanigans. Maybe I just need to catch up on sleep. I'm going to go try that... nighty night.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Vermonster will kill you.

Today is Kelly's birthday, so after work, a group of mostly Grill folk (and even those that aren't really Grill folk are close enough to be called so) went to Ben and Jerry's and got The Vermonster. And ate it all. The Vermonster is a big bucket of death. Or diabetes. Whatever. It contains one scoop of every flavor they have (about 20 scoops or so), brownies, cookies, topped with whipped cream, bananas, all the other toppings (sprinkles, nuts, chocolate chips, etc.), loads of caramel and hot fudge. Unfortunately they were out of cherries. We started off with maybe 9 or 10 people eating, but people dropped out pretty quickly, and ended up with just 4 or 5 finishing it up. And then we all thought we might puke. Or fall over. My very last bite consisted of a little melted ice cream covering a spoonful of caramel. Riding my bike home was a chore, and I had to just lay still for about 15 minutes after I got home. All that ice cream still hasn't digested, and I'm still feeling the strange sugar high that came with it. I'm expecting to crash here at any moment. So yeah, The Vermonster... It was truly excessive and yet, strangely beautiful.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

You must be joking.

Occasional showers. Highs in the mid 40s. East winds around 10 mph.

Highs in the mid 40's?? Tell me it isn't so, Weatherbug!

P.S. Does anyone have any recommendations for a place to get things altered? I have a bridesmaid's dress that I don't have the boobs or legs for, and would like to get it fixed. It's a pretty dress, really, but the wrong length makes it look a little nightgownish on me.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I should have seen it coming.

Thursday was such a great day. Probably one of the best I've had in a while. Good times were had by hanging out, drinking beer, watching movies, etc. I wish more days could be like it. Friday was nice, but uneventful. I worked, I had some coffee, I came home. And today is back to crap. Somehow, sometime between 8pm last night and 8am this morning, things have changed again. Though I don't know why because all I did during that time was fall asleep watching a movie, go to bed around 11:30, and go to work. So I can't figure out why I deserve this. I don't need it, that's for damn sure. This is giving me my ideas of where I stand. This is where my doubt comes from. This is why I just don't know about you. You want me to talk to you?? I only talk to people that talk back. At least do more than shake your head when I ask how you are doing, even if you've already made it obvious you don't want to talk to me and just couldn't get out the door fast enough.

I should have known Thursday wouldn't last.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

today's agenda

Will include:   

   -Cleaning up the biological hazard site my house has become. I can't stand it. No, you can't come in because right now I don't want anyone stepping foot in this place. Give me a couple hours.

  -Eating Cheerios and drinking a hearty glass of Ovaltine (European Formula). See previous post. (this has actually already been accomplished).

  -Calling my landlord about my bathroom sink. It is no longer bolted to the wall, it's just balancing on it's own base. (Hmmm... Elton, what can you tell me about this??  )

  -Folding/putting away laundry. Quite possibly my most hated of household chores. If you would like to come do this for me, I would love you forever.

  -A shower. Because like my house, I am gross.

  -A ride to Roswell. To Whirlyball Atlanta. To see Mogwai tonight. With the other Erin.

There may be other things I do, but I won't list anything else because I'm not trying to be a hero. Knowing my procrastinating ways, there are two things above that may not happen. Well, off we go!

Friday, March 3, 2006

The crap that I think about sometimes...

  I'm looking out my window, trying to decide if I want to go sit outside for a while. The sun is out, it looks absolutely beautiful, but I also have the little Weather Bug thing on my computer desktop, and I know that while it is mild out there, it's not nearly as warm as it was yesterday. So I fear that I may go sit outside only to be annoyed by feeling cheated out of the 70-degree temperature I want. Though I probably will still go out anyway, because sunlight is good for you.

    I love milk. And I am so glad that I have some again. So many things you can use it for: mac and cheese, mashed potatos, cereal, white russians, the list is almost endless really. That list also includes Ovaltine. Yeah, I know, the name is awful. But I know there are a bunch of you out there who have had it and think it's pretty damn tasty. You just don't want to admit it. I like it a lot. What can possibly be bad about a chocolate-malt flavored drink that also gives you a huge chunk of your daily vitamins? So for me, Ovaltine ranks up there along with Vita-Worms (multivitamins in the form of gummy worms. There are also Vita-Bears. Yes, I love shit like this). Chocolate milk that's good for you is a winner in my book.

   Getting to the point of the Ovaltine rant: A few weeks ago I went with a friend to the 'Oriental Grocery' that is located on Prince Avenue. I am not a big gourmet/exotic foods eater, as most of my friends can attest. So I really had no idea what most of the stuff in there was. But they had a shelf of powdered drink mixes right next to the tea, and while looking at a lovely tin of jasmine tea, a bright orange label on the top shelf caught my eye. It was a glass jar of Ovaltine, smaller than the jars sold in regular stores, and was the "European Formula". Out of curiosity, I bought it because I wanted to see what was the difference between our version and the chic European version. Well, it ends up that the Europeans like their Ovaltine with no sweeteners whatsoever in the mix. And though it is 'chocolate malt' flavored, the presence of the 'chocolate' part is questionable. So it ends up tasting like a glass of sort of bitter malted milk. Maybe the way those Whoppers candies would taste like if they didn't have the chocolate covering on them, only liquefied. But the directions do say to add sugar to taste, so once a little sugar is added it gets better. But it's still strange. It's not really all that good, but I can't stop drinking it. Much like candy corn. I'm kind of worried that once my fancy Ovaltine is gone, I won't like the good ol' American kind I can get at Kroger (for less money) anymore. I can't afford to go and have my tastes upgraded to hoity-toity, import-only proportions.

    Speaking of upgraded tastes, I just bought a case of the Terrapin Coffee Oatmeal Stout (Wake n' Bake) through the beer distributor at my job for way cheaper than it costs in the store. Unfortunately it was out of stock, so I have to wait until next week for it to come in. That stuff is so good!

   While writing this, the temperature outside has increased 2 whole degrees, up to 58. But it's still not 70!!

Thursday, March 2, 2006

That's all, folks!

Well, I think I'm done. Too bad, too, because there seemed to be some potential there. But now it feels more like a waste of my time. And a wearing out of my emotions. I just don't know anymore.