Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Vermonster will kill you.

Today is Kelly's birthday, so after work, a group of mostly Grill folk (and even those that aren't really Grill folk are close enough to be called so) went to Ben and Jerry's and got The Vermonster. And ate it all. The Vermonster is a big bucket of death. Or diabetes. Whatever. It contains one scoop of every flavor they have (about 20 scoops or so), brownies, cookies, topped with whipped cream, bananas, all the other toppings (sprinkles, nuts, chocolate chips, etc.), loads of caramel and hot fudge. Unfortunately they were out of cherries. We started off with maybe 9 or 10 people eating, but people dropped out pretty quickly, and ended up with just 4 or 5 finishing it up. And then we all thought we might puke. Or fall over. My very last bite consisted of a little melted ice cream covering a spoonful of caramel. Riding my bike home was a chore, and I had to just lay still for about 15 minutes after I got home. All that ice cream still hasn't digested, and I'm still feeling the strange sugar high that came with it. I'm expecting to crash here at any moment. So yeah, The Vermonster... It was truly excessive and yet, strangely beautiful.

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