Saturday, March 18, 2006

I should have seen it coming.

Thursday was such a great day. Probably one of the best I've had in a while. Good times were had by hanging out, drinking beer, watching movies, etc. I wish more days could be like it. Friday was nice, but uneventful. I worked, I had some coffee, I came home. And today is back to crap. Somehow, sometime between 8pm last night and 8am this morning, things have changed again. Though I don't know why because all I did during that time was fall asleep watching a movie, go to bed around 11:30, and go to work. So I can't figure out why I deserve this. I don't need it, that's for damn sure. This is giving me my ideas of where I stand. This is where my doubt comes from. This is why I just don't know about you. You want me to talk to you?? I only talk to people that talk back. At least do more than shake your head when I ask how you are doing, even if you've already made it obvious you don't want to talk to me and just couldn't get out the door fast enough.

I should have known Thursday wouldn't last.

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