Sunday, July 2, 2006

lazy Sunday.

Really. That's what I've been all day. Though I have actually gotten a few things done, I've done them all in what I wear to sleep. *ahem*   That means no outside for me yet, without risking an indecent exposure citation. This is what you can do without even brushing your hair or teeth, let alone putting on clothes...

-A load of laundry. Just one. My drain can't handle any more, because it's blocked and making my toilet bubble and backing up into my tub and needs to be snaked out. Fun.

-Bills/Rent paid. At least all this bills I have received so far. But currently, I'm settled up. And that's cool. Cause late fees are a bitch.

-Financial finagling. This involved 3 seperate credit cards. Yes, three. But they are not near maxed out or anything like that. I don't have near the amount of debt a lot of other people do, I just used them for some bigger purchases (new bed, new AWESOME mattress, plane tickets) over the past few years, and it's added up. Recently all three have raised my credit limits (not like I will use it), so I decided to transfer a majority of the balance of one card with a high interest rate to another with a significantly smaller interest rate. That means the balance left on the high rate card will be gone in about 3 months, and then I can cancel it. Or finagle The Credit Card Company into the lowering the rate. We'll see. It's nice to know I have that level of credit should there be an emergency. Either way this took lots of visiting of websites. I am also considering transferring my savings from my crappy free savings account with it's crappy .0072nterest rate (or something like that) to something with a better rate. I figured on one calculator that in a one-year CD with a good rate my current balance could make $60 in six months. Better than my current $5 in six months.

-Selling shit on eBay. I love eBay. You can find anything you want there, and a lot of stuff you don't want. And things you didn't know you wanted, but just couldn't resist when you saw it. This is why I now own an unopened Milton-Bradley 100pc. Smurf puzzle. And a pair of brown leather like-new bowling shoes from 1972. But I did just sell a nice dress I bought on clearance from J.Crew's website a few years ago on eBay for $40. That's $20 more than I paid for it. I never wore the dress because it didn't fit me, and I forgot to send it back. And I have more stuff. So I just listed another dress that doesn't fit me. Maybe I'll resell that Smurf puzzle, too.

-I did eat lunch today too. Leftovers. But still food. And lunch is a rarity anymore for me.

I hope to do one more load of laundry, but I have to sit there and monitor the drain so it doesn't flood. I also would like to do dishes, but ditto on the drain situation. Tonight I think will find me at Transmet/Taco Stand for some Family Guy and Fred visiting.

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