Friday, August 25, 2006

Head like a hole

Today was uneventful... I did some laundry, changed my sheets, and cleaned the cat litter. I also changed out all the songs on my little iPod shuffle thingy. After a few tries... my computer likes to lose drivers for things recently, so the software for the iPod had to be reinstalled.

Oh, I also practiced the trumpet. It's not a good sound, but I know all the fingerings now, and have a basic idea of some of the parts I need to learn. My range is crap. My tone resembles a moose dying, or perhaps in the throes of passion... I have no idea what a moose in the throes of passion sounds like, but that comparison makes me feel much better about myself as an aspiring trumpet player than the dying one.

My mom gave me this decorative ceramic cat for Christmas, and the other night I glanced over at it and realized how fucking creepy its face is. Seriously, look at it:

It's a bit big, I know. I didn't feel like resizing it. But it only emphasizes how damn scary it is. Look at those eyebrows. If cats actually looked like this, there would be no cats in my house. This is coming from someone who is well on the way to Crazy Cat Lady status.

That's about it. I may walk downtown later and drop by LP for a beer, just because I want to get out of the house. Or maybe not. If I can motivate myself to move, sure.

(I want to try and work this out. How can I try if you won't talk to me? Why are you giving up on me?)

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