Saturday, November 11, 2006

When Drunks Attack...

What the fuck is wrong with people? Last night a coworker of mine was at Allgood for happy hour. Next to her at the bar was some guy no one knew, and he was wasted. At some point he dropped a dollar, and my friend leaned over and picked it up, handing it back to him saying "Hey, you dropped this". Dude had just gotten a new beer, so I guess he dropped it in the transaction. Anyway, she tries to give it back to the guy, but he just stares at her for a second, then picks up his new beer by the bottleneck and whacks her in the face with it. Luckily the bottle didn't break, but still did some damage. She has a broken nose (broken in two places) and had to get stitches. Fucktard tried to leave, but didn't make it far, and was arrested. He apparently told the cops that not only was he drunk, but also on meth. Great. I will say, this guy better be careful once he's out of jail. LOTS of people know this girl, and aren't too happy about an attack on one of their own. Especially an unprovoked attack. One good thing about this town is that there is always someone that has your back. Don't fuck with The Family. 

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